
Navigating around the website

If you have not completed an Organisational Safeguarding Assessment before (previously known as the Section 11 Audit Tool), please follow the instructions below:

- Click on ‘create new account’

- Complete all the fields

- Click ‘Create New Account’

- An email will be sent to the email address you used in the form

- Check your email including your spam or junk email folders. If you haven't received an email within 24hours please add: to your safe senders email list. Then use the forgotten password process to generate a new password. Please note that you do not need to register again as your details will be in the system.

- Copy and paste the link into a web browser

- Choose a password (make sure the password is in line with your organisations IT policy)

- Repeat the password

- Click submit and then you are ready to complete your first Organisational Safeguarding Assessment form


If you have previously completed an Organisational Safeguarding Assessment (previously known as the Section 11 Audit Tool), please follow the instructions below:

- Click on ‘lost password’
- Fill in the email address associated with your account and press submit
- An email will be sent to your email address. Please check your spam or junk email folders
- Click on the link within the email or paste the link into a web browser
- You will then be asked to choose a new password (make sure the password is in line with your organisations IT policy).
- You can then go to ‘my submissions’ to see your last submitted assessment.

Logging In

At log in stage, you will need to select either your local authority area, or your commissioner, if you are a commissioned service.

If you are an organisation which spans more the one local authority area, you can send the same completed audit to each authority, but will need to select each one and submit to each one separately.

  • Log in the OSA tool with your User Name or Email (we recommend that you use your email address)
  • Select one Area (Bradford/Calderdale/Kirklees/Leeds/Wakefield) to start
  • Complete the assessment (saving each page as you progress) and on page 9 select Submit
  • Log out of the OSA tool
  • Log in the OSA tool again selecting a different Area from the drop down menu
  • Move directly to page 9 and click Submit
  • Continue this process until you have selected and submitted to all the Areas you need to.

Please ensure that you have identified and explained the regional differences within your audit.

Navigating your way around the Organisational Safeguarding Assessment.

My Submissions Page

The ‘My Submissions’ page shows you most recent version of the assessment you have worked on. If this is empty you have not yet filled out any part of your ‘Safeguarding form’.

To download your full assessment as a word document:

- Click on download submission
- Highlight this box….
- Click on ‘apply to selected items….

- The document will automatically download a full ‘word’ version of your assessment
- You can then save this onto your computer

To download your action plan:

- Click on the ‘action’ box and choose ‘download action plan’
- Follow steps 2-4 above
- This will download only the questions which you have marked as ‘amber’ or ‘red’
- You can then save this onto your computer


Safeguarding Form

When you click on Safeguarding Form you will find all the questions to complete your safeguarding assessment.

We recommend that you read all the questions before beginning a section. 

- Fill out all the fields and then click ‘next’ to move onto the next set of questions.
- You can save the document as often as you like.
- There is an autosave function built in, but you will still need to ‘save draft’ as soon as possible and it will update your assessment even if you logged out by accident.

- When you have completed your Organisational Safeguarding Assessment and want a copy sent to your local Safeguarding Partnership Business Unit, click on the ‘Submit’ button at the bottom of Standard 9.
- If you are a statutory organisation, then your submitted assessment will form part of your local safeguarding assurance process. Please contact your local safeguarding partnership for further details.
- If you are a Third Sector, voluntary, community group then speak to your local safeguarding partnership on how they will use your submission.


Completing your Safeguarding Form

Using the traffic light system of red, amber or green, please answer all of the questions by selecting the most appropriate rating for your organisation.

Red= Means that arrangements need to be developed as a matter of urgency

Amber= Means that some measures are in place but others require reviewing or improvement

Green= Means that the necessary arrangements are in place, up to date, and meets the required minimum standard


When completing the audit, please indicate how the standards are applied by your organisation and state your reasoning for this.

It is important to be objective and accurate in order to identify where your safeguarding arrangements can be improved. In order to ensure that your safeguarding arrangements are effective, it is good practice to undertake periodic reviews. This reflects a sign of willingness to make your policy a “living document” and while identifying areas that may require further development.

Please note that you should answer all the questions prior to submission. If an Organisational Safeguarding Assessment has been submitted without all questions answered, unanswered questions will be allocated a RED rating.

If a question is not applicable to the work of your organisation, please select a GREEN rating and explain the reason for this not being applicable in the comments box.

When you have completed this form and pressed 'submit', a copy will be sent to your local safeguarding partnership who then may monitor compliance and also identify any support you may require to ensure that you are fully compliant. Please contact you local safeguarding partnership for further details on how they will use your assessment.

You also have the option of printing out the full assessment allowing you to email this to senior officers as well as downloading an action plan which will pull through just your 'amber' and 'red' ratings so you can quickly identify areas for improvement without the need to go back through you assessment. When you have addressed any areas for improvement, please log back on and update your assessment. The system has also been designed to 'auto save' your work so you can quickly return to where you left off however when you do log back on please press the 'update form' button to ensure it is reflected on your assessment.

You can log on as often as you want and if you lose your password please use the lost password function to create a new one. You will be sent an email to your email box provided. PLEASE ALSO CHECK YOUR EMAIL SPAM FOLDER

We are constantly looking for ways to improve this website, if you have any suggestions then please contact your local safeguarding partnership.